Prequel: AI will eradicate marketers.

In 5 years.

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AI will eradicate marketers. In 5 years.

Sam Altman confirms this. The clock is ticking.

I found some unreleased material and I hope this is FAKE. But it's not.

Because if you consider 3 factors, it adds up.

You’ll read it tomorrow, stay tuned: EXPERIMENTAL.

Now let’s make you smarter and more productive on Tuesdays, with the AI Second Brain:

I’m Alex Northstar: consultant, educator on practical AI, predicted smart chatbots in 2017, helped Google in 2021, accelerating humans in 2024 and preparing you for 2027.

Here’s the AI value that you get this week, Big Brain:

  1. Simple Language Prompt (that converts)

  2. CopilotS (Microsoft GPTs)

  3. Prospect Theory (risk it?)

Let’s deep dive into the productive AI Brain to win 2024!

P.S. If you missed the newsletter from last week: Jean Claude 3 kicks GPT4

1/3 Power Prompt: Double your Speed & Results

Consider them as extensions of your brain, allowing you to do the work of 10 people in 1. Immediate actionable value to copy, paste, bookmark and use.

This week we have:

Simplifying language for better customer conversion

Here’s the full prompt to copy-paste in GPT4 or Claude3, feel free to tweak and get benefits:

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